
Tuesday 8 May 2012

My Creative Space

image lace and pearl bracelet freshwater pearls multicoloured rainbow

My creative endeavours have slowed down a little this week as I've struggled with tiredness and two little monkeys who caught very sniffly colds from their school/kindergarten friends.  However, we're all on the mend and I did manage to make a few items!  The lace and pearl bracelet above was inspired by this bracelet and combines gorgeously multi-coloured freshwater pearls and some vintage lace which I found on my travels.  I also managed to make a few new dictionary page prints for the store, including the teapot print below.  What have you been creating this week?

image vintage dictionary page print teapot wall art

1 comment:

  1. Hey Deb, good to read everyone is on the mend.....

    The multi coloured pearls are interesting, never knew they came in such a a range of colours. I love how you've combined them with vintage lace and I just love the ornate teapot print on the dictionary page....

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Claire :}


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