
Monday 21 May 2012

My Birthday and Sew Mama Sew May Giveaway!


image vintage buttons multicoloured doily fat quarter turquoise blue floral

I am excited to announce that I am once again participating in the annual Sew Mama Sew May giveaway day!  I love the May giveaway day event as it usually coincides with my birthday week and hosting a blog giveaway in the midst of my birthday celebrations is always lots of fun.

image vintage button stash multicoloured lot

This year I have decided to give away TWO prizes.  The first prize is a package of some of my vintage button stash and a fat quarter in a turquoise/blue floral design.  The second prize will be one package of vintage buttons.  That's right, TWO WINNERS!  Each packet contains about 40 buttons, and although the packets are not identical, they are very similar.  To enter the giveaway, simply follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter form below.  I'll be running the giveaway from the 21st of May until the 26th of May (AEST) and it is open to worldwide entries - enjoy!

Edit: I realised that I've asked you to answer a question as a giveaway entry but I haven't told you my answer!  I live in Melbourne, Australia where it is almost winter and getting very cold every day.  I loooove buttons, especially vintage ones, and mainly use them in jewellery, hair accessories and as embellishments for fabric flowers or bags.   :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I live in Nairobi, Kenya and I love crafting. My favorite craft is card making and I enjoy sticking the buttons onto my handmade cards to create interesting designs.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Linda

  3. I love to embellish things with buttons, especially stacking them and using yo-yos!

  4. I love buttons, thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I didn't see the criteria before I left my comment, whoops. I'm from Arizona, and I love to use buttons on clothes and cards the most! Thanks again!

  6. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. I use buttons on dresses for my girls or as accents in embroideries. I am from Pennsylvania, US, and it is rainy and dreary today!

  8. I use buttons for all sorts of things- cards, clothes, jewelry, embelishments, etc. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  9. i'm from minnesota and i love to use buttons to finish little pouches-thanks

  10. I ma in South Carolina. Today is sunny before the tropical disturbance brings us rain the rest of the week. I use buttons as closures on clothing for my daughter


  11. I actually enjoy making button holes so I always use buttons to close my projects as well as adding decorative tabs with buttons! I'm in the UK and it's sunny today so you can look across all the hills (7 hills) and see the rows of terraced housing glittering

  12. I usually use buttons just for decoration, but sometimes for function on bags!

    I'm in Texas, and its getting hot!

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  13. I love to use buttons in almost every project..from sprucing up my daughter's tshirts, to embroidery projects to paper crafts..thanks for the chance! Right now I'm located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and currently there's a sandstorm going on, an indication that it's going to get hotter now : )

  14. Hi! I'm posting from the Pacific Northwest, where of course, it's raining. :) I usually use buttons as eyes on stuffed animals, so I like all sorts of colors and shapes and patterns!

  15. I use buttons for my kids' clothes and for hair clips! I've also used them for decorating key fobs... :) O and I'm from Alberta Canada

  16. I'm in Hale, Missouri, USA.
    Right now it is sunny, a bit breezy, and a very nice 72 degrees outside.
    I haven't used buttons in a while, but I'm wanting to make a quilted wall hanging and use the buttons as the centers for flowers, bodies for insects, etc.

  17. I've never really used buttons yet, but I do think they're gorgeous. :) Today it's nice and sunny in upstate NY. :)

  18. Love all things Vintage! Happy Birthday to you...

  19. I have seen a ton of great button ideas on Pinterest. My fav is an appliqued tree with buttons for leaves.

  20. mostly in the button jar now but great on kids clothes!
    vermont, hot but clouding

  21. I really love those buttons! I usually use buttons to cheer op plain cardigans.

  22. I am from Missouri. I use buttons on knitted hats, sweaters, and scarves as well as on sewing projects like dresses and pillows.

  23. fun giveaway! I have recently been using buttons on baby shoes per my sister's request (just had her first baby!). I live in Houston right now and it is already hot and humid!

    1. this is my favorite pattern so far.. so many ways to alter!

  24. I love buttons! Much of the time I end up using them in stuffies as eyes or accessories, but our favorite thing to do with them is just play them. I have 3 kids and buttons are great learning tools. Sorting them by shape, color, counting them, pressing them into playdough to see the impressions... I love buttons!

  25. I mostly use buttons in clothes so far, but I want to use them more as fun embellishments in home decor items. I'm in the Midwest and the weather today is perfect-not too hot or cold, a slight breeze and sunshine.

  26. I use them in jewellery but I'd love to try to sew a bag :D I'm in Poland and it's HOT LIKE IN HELL here. : o

  27. I'm in North Carolina, where it's warm & very humid. We got lots of rain last week & so they lifted the drought warning. I like to use interesting buttons on bags. Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. I LOVE buttons and have blogged about them :) Pick me pick me!!! It's my birthday today - happy birthday to you too!!

  29. I usually only use buttons on garments, but I have seen some lovely embellishments on quilts using buttons.

  30. On clothes, or to spruce up accessories! :)

  31. I'm afraid I rarely use buttons in an imaginative way - I use them on clothing, as closures, and only occasionally in a decorative way on the clothing!

  32. I'm in the UK and it's been sunny all day!
    I love using buttons on my bags as decoration!

  33. I love using buttons for emellishments in all kinds of projects. Right now I'm in New Zealand, where it's just starting to get very cold!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. I use buttons for little girl's dresses and clothing. I'm from Alabama, and it is beautiful and sunny today! Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I love buttons. i am not sure why, but they make me so happy!

  36. I just love buttons, what a fun prize!

  37. Sorry, I didn't know the rafflecopter would tell me what I needed to say. I'm in rainy, rainy Snohomish, WA. (Although we did have a lovely sunny week last week.) I like to use buttons for eyes of creatures in my creations! (You can delete my other comment, or I'll try to when it shows up.)

  38. Love to use buttons as decoration on quilts. I'm from Norway and we have a wonderfull country - waiting for the nice summer :-)

  39. Thanks for the giveaway! I just like the buttons!))

  40. Thank you for this super giveaway! I love vintage buttons and could always use more:)

  41. I usually use buttons for functional purposes, closing the top of a bag, etc. I am in Bellingham and its been very windy today. A branch of a tree fell earlier today!

  42. Thanks for doing a giveaway! I love hording buttons... maybe soon I'll start using more of the stash!

  43. I love to embellish quilts or wallhanging or bag.

  44. I'm in northern Maine. I have quite a few of my husband's grandmother's buttons. I made a button bracelet for my college aged daughter and I've seen some button trees on pinterest I so want to make! :)

  45. I love buttons. I have a huge button jar I amassed in a few short months from the thrift store and various other places. I have been using them on a car mat I'm making for my son.

  46. I use buttons as accents on wall hangings and as closures on purses. I am from pennsylVania and it has been rainy.

  47. i make paper horses ala ann wood and use buttons to attach the legs to the body and give pizazz. I also make mail art and sew buttons to paper. I live in auckland new zealand and it is cold

  48. I love to use them for flower centers.
    I'm in Arizona and it is quite hot right now. It got up to 107 today!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  49. I want to use them on felt projects. I'm in Arizona too like Tara Above, 107 degrees I'm not a huge fan of it! haha Excited to meet you!

  50. i love using buttons as embellishment! i'm from portland, oregon

  51. I'm from Malaysia.I love to use buttons on toy :)

  52. • • • Since I don't have any buttons yet, I haven't used them a lot, but I would love to get a collection started. I'm in Wisconsin and the sun was shiny so nicely today.

  53. I use them on bags. I am in Vancouver WA and it is rainy.

  54. I like to use them to add details to my kids' clothes and toys I make for them. I'm in Texas, and it's getting so hot already...

  55. I love using buttons to make fun jewelry. I'm currently in Costa Rica, but I'm from Arizona.

  56. Oooh! Buttons! I have a nice collection of vintage buttons courtesy of my grandmother & I'm always scouring flea markets & yard sales & whatnot to find more. I usually use them on clothes - I sew and knit - and I haven't had to actually buy buttons in I can't tell you how long, because I can always find something suitable in my stash.

    I'm in New England & it is RAINY here right now! xo

  57. I am in the Yukon Territory in Canada. Although it is supposed to be spring it has been nothing but grey and cold. Brrr.. I love to use buttons for embellishment and also on clothes.

  58. I like the Eirenne cocktail ring. Thanks for a chance in your giveaway.

  59. Vintage buttons--nice! I love using buttons on my cards and on my diaper holders. I'm from Nevada.

  60. I love using buttons to make a statement on a simple cardigan, or as cute mismatched eyes on sock monkeys I make for friends' kids. I'm in Sydney, Australia, and I'm hearing you about the impending chill!! Brrrrrr! Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. I am in NE Pennsylvania and I love to use buttons as embellishments on handmade pouches.

  62. chicago, IL Lovely city and lovely weather at this time. like to use buttons as embellishments on handmade items

  63. i use buttons in embroidery. I live in Indiana

  64. I like buttons used as embellishments. I'm from Texas and it's heating up! Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. I'm from upstate NY, so it's very rural where I live and the winters are brutal (two years ago, my hometown got about 4 meters of snow one week!). It's beautiful, though, and there's lots to do outdoors, so it isn't all bad. Currently it's been lovely and warm! Anyway, I use buttons for conventional reasons usually-- in the past, this had been largely limited to my knitting, but over the winter, I sewed my very first buttonhole, so a whole new world has opened up!

  66. I'm from Florida. Great giveaway. Thanks!

  67. Love these buttons! I collect them and will add them to pouches or other little projects :) I'm from Sydney and wish I were there now, but am in Tokyo where I live. Usually love it here, but I'm 8 months pregnant and the heat and humidity here is already getting to me!

  68. I'm in Ventura CA and we're starting to get summer weather. I like to replace boring matchy-matchy buttons with vintage one of a kinds. And I'd like to make a skirt featuring buttons as embellishment this summer . . .

  69. I'm from Cleveland,'s getting mighty warm here. Yesterday it was almost 80 degrees and sunny.

    I love buttons; they're the perfect embellishment when sewing any garment but I do love to use them on tab-top curtains.

  70. I'm from Corvallis Oregon where it was grey and gloomy today.

    I'm a knitter and I'd love to have a cool collection of vintage buttons so I could pick the perfect button or two for a cowl or hat.

  71. I'm in Ontario and it's starting to warm up here.

    I like to use buttons as embellishments.

  72. I'm in the UK. I'm quite new to this, so most of my sewing so far has been straight line patchwork, which doesn't need buttons. But I'd love to start getting more adventurous and having a go at clothing.

  73. Hello lovely!!

    Ok buttons are great to accent a wonderful hand made cardie or quilt!

    I am from SYDNEY!! hehehe

    xo Steph

  74. I love to use vintage buttons on my handknit projects.

    I live in New Plymouth, New zealand.

  75. I usually use cute buttons for me handmade clothes :) I am from Birmingham UK and it is sunny! For once! x

  76. I am in Connecticut, and use buttons on my knitted bags and flowers. Thanks for the chance to win!

  77. Hi, I'm also giving away buttons, so if I should win can I just have the fabric please?

  78. I'm in Ohio, USA. And I use buttons on clothing typically. Although my son made me a pretty fun button bracelet for mother's day this year.

  79. I love using vintage buttons both for shirt dresses and on the sides of pretty knitted gloves!

    I'm in London, England - the weather has been miserable all year but today is a glorious spring day.

  80. I love to add buttons to accessories and clothing. I live in Utah. I once dated someone from Melbourne and fell in love with the culture.

  81. I use buttons on my paper crafts a lot! I love adding them to cards and stuff! I'm from Massachusetts! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  82. I live in Maine, and it is raining buckets here this morning. (all the better for sitting around drinking coffee and letting the kid watch cartoons so I can enter giveaways!)

    I love to use vintage buttons on clothes. Sometimes some not-quite-matched buttons can add just what a hand sewn outfit needs. And sometimes I do use them where I don't have buttonholes, but most times I just use them for buttons.

  83. I also collect vintage buttons, sometimes they're hard to part with when I use them on my purses.

  84. I'm in Manchester in the UK. I use buttons as embellishments on bags, decorations, aprons, clothes and anything else I can think of, as well as on knitted and crocheted items.

  85. I'm in Texas and I use buttons for doll eyes

  86. It's hot here in Texas right now! I love buttons for sewing and embellishing.

  87. I live in Virginia, and I use buttons on the bags that I make. I don't have many, and would LOVE to win some more!

  88. I live in Salem oregon. It is getting summery out there, but this week it has been rain rain rain!!

  89. I live in Hawaii - it's beautiful here! I use buttons in the standard way - closures. Thanks for the giveaway!

  90. i live in sunny san diego. i use the as buttons on clothing that i stitch and as embellishments too

  91. Nice giveaway - love the buttons!

  92. I live in Hollister, California (the actual town, not the store) and it's a beautiful spring day today. I'm crazy for buttons. Right now, I just collect them for the day I can sew and craft with more time. And when I do, I want to try making pins and earrings with buttons and maybe a wall hanging featuring buttons.

  93. I don't know if I am doing this right, but anyway, I mostly use buttons on clothes I make or on baby booties, which are so cute.
    thanks for the chance!
    steeplechaser29 at yahoo dot com

  94. I'm in need of buttons so I can make some tops for my little girl.

    I'm in Texas and its way too hot here!

  95. I search for vintage buttons at flea markets and use them to decorate everything from bags to pillows. I live in northeast Ohio where the weather is apt to change every day! Yesterday was 85 degrees and sunny, today is 60 degrees and cloudy.

  96. I am in Michigan, and I don't use buttons very much at all because I can never decide which ones I can bear to part with. I do use them as embellishments on aprons and hats occasionally!

  97. I live in San Diego, it's so nice here. But then, it almost always is. I'd use thebuttons for my clothes.

  98. I would use these to make a quirky tree art. I live in Dallas, TX and it's getting hotter than heck here!

  99. I love crafting every day. Thanks for the chance to win.

  100. I'm from Sweden and today it's been warm and sunny! I usually use buttons in my handknits.

  101. im from torrance, california
    i think buttons brighten up everything! clothes pillows..theyre so cute and adorable! thanks for the post ^^

  102. I am in South Australia, so cold and wet. Kind of like Melbourne really :D
    I would love to use the buttons on aprons and bags that I make for friends and family.

  103. I live in British Columbia, Canada.

    I use button mostly during crafts with my kids.

  104. I used buttons for my yo yo and I live in Japan.

  105. I will savor the buttons. I am wanting to make some softie lovies and vintage buttons will make amazing eyes!!!

  106. Greetings from Germany :)

  107. I use buttons for decoration :)

  108. I live in British Columbia Canada...

    I use buttons on clothing

  109. i'm in houston, texas where it's HOT
    i love using buttons on cards, journaling, and other mixed media projects.

    nicmowat AT gmail DOT com

  110. I use them to embellish rosette trio headbands for my daughter. I am in Fort Jackson, SC. Thank you!

  111. I love to use buttons to give dimension to embroidery and as fastenings for bags and purses and needle cases... let's be honest I just LOVE buttons. Especially vintage and unique ones.
    I live in Newcastle NSW Australia. Nice to find another Aussie blogger.

  112. I use buttons in making cards, in sewing projects - mainly decorative and I've made a couple of neckalces with them. I love going to charity stores / bargain stores to see waht I can find - it's a great place to find interesting buttons. The best ones I have found were old metal ones from the military. Not sure what to do with them yet, but boy, do I like looking at them. "My precious" - hahaha.

    Thank you for the great prizes and the opportunity to win them.

    marilize (dot) paulsen (at) gmail (dot) com

  113. Hi! I love vintage buttons and I use them in a variety of ways. I like to make jewelry with them and use them in my mixed media arts projects as well. Sometimes I will embellish a card or scrapbook page with buttons as well. There are so many fun ways to use them! Thanks for offering them as a prize!

    I live in FloralPark, NY, just outside NYC, and it has been rainy and dreary the past couple of days.

    My contact info is: scrapgirl1467 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Thanks you for participating in the giveaway and for the lovely prize.

    Have a great day,

  114. I love to use buttons in hair accessories, and as embellishments on decoupage boxes, etc.
    I live in Upper Michigan,'s been rainy, but the weather is slowly warming up. It's 59 degrees F right now.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  115. I mostly use buttons to embellish boring tops, t-shirts, bags ... I rarely use them as buttons - ohh and I'm writing from Germany

  116. I'm in Michigan, where it is super warm and nice right now. I use buttons on projects for my kids..they love them!

  117. I use buttons as accents and to replace buttons that have gotten lost.

  118. I live in Florida and it is getting hot here...80s to 90s most days.
    I use buttons on my Cross stitch designs, as flower centers on my wall quilts, and I make pins that are used as fund raisers for my church

  119. I use buttons on the clothes I make for my girls and on library tote bags!

  120. I use buttons on my hand knits, and to decorate cards. Visiting from Southern California! Thanks for the chance!

  121. I use them on the clothes I sew for my daughters. I'm visiting from Seattle!

  122. I live in a suburb of Chicago, IL, USA. I love to use buttons on clothes and bags as embellishments.

  123. I live in Grand Forks, North Dakota. It is bitterly cold most of the year (and very windy). The short summers are delicious though.

    I usually use buttons as embellishments on flat zip pouches, etc !

  124. I live in New Hampshire in the USA and it is warm and humid at the moment. I use buttons on some of my knitting and felt projects. I also like to string them together and hang them in interesting places in my craft room. I also use them with bakers string when wrapping special packages. Thanks for the giveaway.

  125. I'm in Queensland.
    I would use the buttons on my hand knits.

  126. I haven't used buttons yet, but I could put them on a cute bag, or some quilty things. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm from Michigan, close to Ann ARbor

  127. i live in indonesia, life here is hot and humid hahahha i plan to use the buttons to embellish card and bags<3


  128. I'm in NSW Australia, it's a bit cold and rainy here! I usuall use buttons as an interesting feature on a clutch purse or bag.

  129. I like to use buttons as decorations on shirts. I'm from BC, Canada, and today was a bit rainy.

  130. I love buttons as the centre of a decorative flower or as adornments on purses or clutches :)

    kate1485 at

  131. new orleans louisiana! THanks so much!

  132. I have been using buttons On e inside of fabric flowers. I am in south louisiana and its hot! Staceysgroups(at)gmail(dot)com

  133. I use buttons to make crocheted necklaces and use them as eyes on crocheted owl hats. I'm from Vancouver, Washington and it rains here a lot, but I LOVE that! We have mountains and ocean all within a couple of hours. Thanks for the chance to win!

  134. Eyes for sock monkeys (or other stuffed toys). I live in Pennsylvania (u.s.) and it's pretty warm and humid today (glad I'm inside).

  135. I love buttons to use as decoration. I am from Portugal.

  136. warm and musggy in columbus typically use buttons in my knits - I know not very creative more practical

  137. I love to add buttons to my scrapbook pages. I am from Phoenix

    carolinejaco at gmail dot com

  138. I love adding buttons to give texture to items, for instance as a point of interest on my apron I put some gorgeous brightly coloured buttons on to make it mine.

    I also live in Australia, in Adelaide, and it's cold and wet here and I find it relaxing during the colder months to be creative with my machine or crochet hook and make gorgeous gifts for my family.

  139. I'm in Oregon--and I have a tin of vintage buttons that I hoard (so kudos to you for parting with some)!

  140. Hello from Michigan, USA :) I use buttons to embellish clothing that I make for my daughters and for my shop. I LOVE vintage buttons and the uniqueness that they add to my handcrafted pieces!
    Thanks for the chance!

  141. I live in Utah. I like to use buttons as flower centers for hair clips for my girls

  142. I love adding buttons to cards I make. I'm in Wisconsin/USA. Right now it's warm and humid with a chance of severe storms tonight and tomorrow. But everything is so green and beautiful right now.


I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!