
Monday 14 May 2012

Mother's Day Gifts

image mother's day present collage handmade platter cards and paper flowers

Well, it's Monday and back to reality for all of us mothers who quite enjoyed being pampered yesterday!  For all of my readers who are mothers or grandmothers, I hope that your families took the opportunity to show you how much they love and appreciate you, although I do hope that they do that on a regular basis anyway.  :)  Today I thought I would show off some of the wonderful presents I received as a form of escapism from a dreary, winter-like Melbourne day, he he.
My cheeky monkeys went all out with their handmade creations, which included items they made at school, kindergarten, home (while I was banished to the study) and Sunday school (although monkey #2 was quite cut up that she wasn't allowed to attend Sunday school due to her asthma flaring up).  I am really pleased with the painted ceramic platter monkey #2 made at kinder as it will make a nice partner for the painted platter I received from monkey #1 when she was in kindergarten.  Monkey #1's handmade card tugged at my heart strings when I saw that she had written, "I will never stop loving you."  Aww...  She also used some of her pocket money (and some money from her daddy) to buy me an assortment of funky items from her school's mother's day stall, including some Paris-themed sticky notes (that child has good taste).
Not to be outdone by his offspring, Mr Cheeky Monkeys made up a hamper of gourmet foods and candles for me, although I'm not entirely convinced that his choice of present was purely altruistic since he and the cheeky monkeys seem quite keen to help me enjoy the contents of my hamper!

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