
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Wednesday Whimsy


I was going to start my post with a comment about how today's post title is a bit of a misnomer since there is no whimsy in the post, but actually, there is.  These vintage compass cufflinks are a little present I made for my husband on a whim (do you see where the "whimsy" bit comes in now? He he.) and gave to him as a "just because" gift.  As you know, I have a bit of a thing for vintage supplies and items, but I bet you didn't know that I have a bit of a thing for cufflinks too.  Which is why I made this pair for my husband since he only owns one pair and has yet to wear them as most of his shirts do not support the wearing of cufflinks.  I had fun making these cufflinks and am in the process of making some "Mr Darcy" cufflinks to sell in my Two Cheeky Monkeys stores.
The two cheeky monkeys loved the cufflinks (they like anything shiny and which has moving parts!) and so did my husband.  And look what he brought home for me on the day I surprised him with his new cufflinks - we surprised each other!

image coral red roses bunch

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