
Friday 2 March 2012

Bows, bows and more bows


I feel like I have been almost literally chained to my sewing machine these last few weeks as I tackle various sewing projects for the two cheeky monkeys.  The hair bows you see pictured above are a result of a late night whimsical decision to make hair bows for the monkeys after seeing this simple tutorial on the see kate sew blog.  I made one hair bow for my girls to share, which they did amazingly well and with good grace, and it was a hit with them and their little friends.  So much so, that I ended up making a second hair bow with some of the leftover fabric from the girly skirts I showed off in my last post.
In fact, the bows were so popular that it was decided that I should make a batch of them as my contribution to the fundraising craft stall that will be run at oldest monkey's school fete at the end of the month.  Now, I had a lot of fun making the first two bows, but the subsequent eight have been a little painful.  Probably because I thought that I should hand stitch the central strip and hair elastic to each bow, which is fine if you're doing only one or two bows, but not so much when you do eight at once!  Anyway, I hope the bows are popular and bring in some nice funds for the school.   :)

1 comment:

  1. They're gorgeous Deb! I'm sure they'll be a hit at the fete. You've inspired me to try some myself :)


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