
Monday 10 October 2011

Monday Inspiration

flowers in teacup white pom poms

I woke up today to an overcast day which did not help the already present gloom that comes with the start of the school term and the realisation that I am back in the routine of waking up early, making lunches and washing school uniforms.  But I can't help but smile every time I see this little teacup of flowers sitting on my dining table.  I don't know what species they are, cheeky monkey #2 and I picked them on our walk yesterday, but the monkeys and I think they look like cute, little floral pom poms. Perhaps they are waiting for a miniature cheerleader to come and pick them up!

1 comment:

  1. they look like hydrangeas, but not sure if you can get white ones??? so nice when kids pick flowers for you.. mine do it all the time!


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