
Monday 5 September 2011

All New to Domum Vindemia - Teacup Candles and More

Perhaps you're not as sadly addicted to the online market, Madeit, as I am, but I found myself rather out of sorts last week when hurricane Irene caused problems with Madeit's web servers, meaning that I was unable to shop or list items for sale for almost two and a half days.  Oh the horror!  Not to worry, though, I spent those days working on new designs for Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia, and today I want to show off some of the new additions to the latter.

One new range of creations I've been eager to introduce to Domum Vindemia is my teacup candle range.  I have been making these for years now but was unsure about the demand for these items.  But with two days offline to work on creations and hunt for new supplies, I decided to give it a go and see how things pan out.  I personally find teacup candles to be irresistable, especially as you get a gorgeous teacup to re-use after the candle has fully burned down!

For the time being I am only making vanilla-scented candles using regular candle wax, but if the teacup candles prove to be a popular addition to Domum Vindemia, then I will seriously consider using soy wax and adding a range of other scents as well.  And as for the "more" part in the post title, head over to Domum Vindemia on Madeit and you will see that I have listed a multitude of new cupcake and dessert stands as well as several new doily scarves and buntings.

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