
Wednesday 17 August 2011

Two Cheeky Monkeys Clearance Sale and Store News

Today's post is a mixed bag of news relating to various goings on in my crafting life.  Firstly, I want to announce a very special clearance sale currently running in my Etsy store.  I know I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I have been constantly reminded that, as a mother with young children and many crafty interests, I need to focus my creative energy to more optimally use my time.
In the interests of better running my business, it is also better if I focus on a few popular design styles rather than creating everything which catches my fancy.  Therefore, I am selling off all of my old stock at a 40% discount, that's right 40% OFF.  For those of you who prefer to shop in AUD, I will slowly be discounting the old stock in my Madeit store too, just keep an eye out for the "SALE" tagged items.

Secondly, those of you who regularly visit my Facebook fan pages will notice a slight change to the options on the left sidebar.  Yes, as I mentioned, I am a little slow, so I have only finally added a "contact" tab to both my Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia pages.  So from now on, you can easily contact me via my Facebook pages without having to worry about looking up my email address to send me an email.  This new way of contacting me should come in very handy for events such as my upcoming Domum Vindemia market night this THURSDAY, 18th August, where I will be selling a mix of old and new designs via my Facebook page.

And finally, while I am excited about the recent decisions I have made to try and manage my unruly craft life, this post is written with much sadness as I remember the tragedy which struck a fellow jeweller and online friend on Sunday night.  Those of you who are regular readers of my Feature Friday posts may remember Julie-Ann, one of the lovely DUST team leaders on Etsy and a wonderful woman who committed a lot of her time and energy to both the online crafting and her local communities as well as taking care of her children, some of whom have special needs.
I was shocked to discover yesterday afternoon that Julie-Ann and her teenaged daughter were among the victims of the light plane crash I had been hearing about on the news all day.  Julie-Ann was critically injured in the accident and is being treated in hospital in the ICU, but sadly her daughter and the plane's pilot were both killed.
I would like to ask you to pray for my lovely friend and her family, as well as for the family of the pilot, as they all come to terms with their sudden loss.  As someone who has recently experienced a very personal loss, I can only begin to imagine just how painful the days, weeks and months ahead are going to be for Julie-Ann and her family.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post Deb, such a sad story!

    I love the cake stand, great colours.


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