
Tuesday 30 August 2011

My Creative Space - Party Favours

Once again I find my creative space cluttered with creations for a birthday party rather than creations for my stores.  I think it is safe to say that I am insane and foolishly don't learn from my mistakes!  It is cheeky monkey #1's birthday in a month's time and we are planning to host a birthday party for her with her little school friends.  I have, as usual, suggested that she have a handmade element to the party and she decided, after looking through several blogs with me, that handmade party favour bags would be a great idea.  And an even better idea would be for her to rummage through my fabric scraps and have me sew the party favour bags.  And me, being the crazy woman that I am, said, "Okay, sure, that's a GREAT idea."
Six little bags, multiple stabbed fingers and about 4.5 hours later, I am thinking that this was a really stupid idea.  Not only do I still have another four bags to sew, but most of my fabric scraps are not of lovely, quilting quality cotton, but are of slippery polyesters and cotton sheers.  Plus I'm working to a "simple" pattern I devised in my head which includes shaped bases for the bags as well as lining for the bags made from equally slippery and unmanageable fabrics.  And to make matters worse, the bags aren't perfect due to my inexperience with these kinds of fabrics.  Hope nobody notices!  What's filling up your creative space this week?


  1. They will be special because of the love you have put into them. They are so cute!!

  2. That made me laugh because I can so relate. They are too cute and I'm sure no one will notice the imperfections. A couple of custom orders are filling up my space right now.

  3. Getting involved is as quick as 1,2,3...LOL....
    they are cute though...

  4. how fun to make the favors for your daughter! I want to do that this year but most of her friends already have our chalkboard mats so not sure what to make, haha.

  5. That's a wonderful idea to use your leftover scraps! And instead of feeling guilty about making things that you can't sell, think about the money you are saving by not having to go out and buy party favors!

  6. They look very cute!
    All my scrapbooking supplies cover my work space. I think I can just manage to pull a couple items out to work, but then I need more... and more... and then I have a big ol' mess on my hands:S

  7. I imagine that the girls will be thrilled with the bags made with love!! They are adorable!

  8. Handmade with love♥

    A great/stupid idea!! LOL!

    What a wonderful mommy you are.


  9. Awww, I love're only inexperienced until you become experienced from working at it lol.

  10. I don't think the little girls will notice. They'll go straight for the candy. Nonetheless, bare in mind that they are little girls and that the bags will be a great gift for them to play with after. Good luck with it!

  11. Those bags are so cute - I hope they appreciate the work you put into them!


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