
Friday 8 July 2011

Snail Mail Received!

You may remember my post last month (see here) about the Creative Collective snail mail swap.  Since that last post, I have received two of my expected swap packages and I have to say that I really love the mail which has arrived so far!  To top things off, both of these packages arrived on the day of my dad's thanksgiving service, which was a nice distraction on such an emotional day for me.

This sweet notepad and notecard set arrived from Cat of beloverly, along with a hand written note in a pretty handmade card.  Apologies for the shocking photo quality, Melbourne weather has been pretty gloomy this past week.  Not unexpected, I guess, for the middle of winter!

This beautiful collection of goodies arrived from Charlotte of Charlotte Vallance.  This photo is just a sample of the lovely items she sent.  There was also a cute magnet of one of Charlotte's illustrations and a fun folding book.  And for those of you who wanted to see all of the items I sent to my swap recipients, check out Bridget Harvey's blog post, say "hi" to her and let her know I sent you.     :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so pleased it arrived on such an important day for you Deb. I've been thinking of you. xxx


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