
Tuesday 7 June 2011

My "Pride and Prejudice" Range of Jewellery and a Sale

Mr Darcy headband

I was shocked to realise today that although I have been creating my Pride and Prejudice pieces for at least six months now, I have not once blogged about these slightly quirky additions to my stores.  For those of you who aren't already in the know, I started on this side of my jewellery making when I found an ancient and battered copy of Pride and Prejudice at a local fundraising bookstall.  Knowing that many people (including many of my friends and family) love this Jane Austen classic, I decided to set snippets of the vintage pages into cameo settings and turn them into jewellery.

Elizabeth Bennet brooch

My Pride and Prejudice range originally started out with brooches and bouquet pins but has since expanded to include necklaces, bracelets, rings and hair accessories.  The response to these creations has been so positive that I am preparing to expand my range of vintage text jewellery to include snippets of text from classics such as Jane Eyre and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as other Jane Austen novels.  But in the mean time, I am having a quick Facebook sale on my current range of Pride and Prejudice creations which you can find here.  You'll have to be quick so you don't miss out on your favourite piece!

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