
Tuesday 14 June 2011

My Crochet Lace Belt

I am sure that by now most of you will know that I just looooove vintage lace, especially vintage crochet lace.  I love crochet lace so much that, not only have I used it in some of my fabric cuff designs, but when I saw a funky lace belt tutorial on the Versus blog, I decided that I had to give it a try!  It was a nice, quick project to whip up and the only thing that held me back from completing it straight away was my complete lack of useable belt buckles in the house (I say "useable" because we have plenty of belt buckles already attached to people's belts but I didn't think my family would approve of me plundering their belts so that I could complete mine).  In the end, I found a retro-looking belt buckle at the op shop, though I think I will stick to using D-rings the next time I make one of these belts.


  1. Love that belt. D-rings aren't that great are they?

  2. I've tagged you on my blog, Deb!


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