
Friday 20 May 2011

Feature Friday and Giveaway - Zinnia Pea

My featured artist this week is a fellow Aussie who creates pieces which are a little different but very funky.  Please welcome Christabel of Zinnia Pea!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello! I'm Christabel, the full time designer behind Zinnia Pea and I live and work in the beautiful Adelaide Hills. My house is a little converted art studio so it works very well for both living and designing. It has a tiny kitchen, a big overgrown garden and way too many books. I love it!

Describe yourself in five words.
A bookworm, nerdy, shy, creative and a history buff. That's not really in keeping with the 5 words thing so I guess you could add in rule-breaker.

Bronte Sisters Teacup Set

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
Well my mum tells me I was so "creative" when I was little that I had to wear a plastic raincoat and rubber boots whilst painting on the back verandah so I think you could safely say from an early age!

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I use porcelain inks to put quotes and little designs onto all kinds of china pieces, including teapots, teacups and coffee mugs. I love finding old ceramics in markets and op shops and deciding which quote fits. The upcycled pieces are definitely my favourites.

When and how did you start selling online?
I opened Zinnia Pea mid way through last year after inking a set of plain white plates and cups for myself. So many friends commented on them and asked for their own so I decided to open up shop and see how it went! I'm so pleased I did because it has been a wonderful adventure so far.

Pride and Prejudice Tea Pot

Describe your store in five words.
Quirky china with a literary difference. (Ok, that is more than 5 words again.. I'm definitely a rule breaker!) [Edit: You crack me up Christabel!!!]

Who or what are the influences behind your creations?
There are so many different influences behind my designs. Obviously Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and the other amazing authors whose work I ink. But also, my Grandma for her love of tea and interesting china and my Mum, simply because of her tea addiction. The smell of freshly brewed black tea always reminds me of her, in her blue dressing gown reading the paper at an insanely early hour.

Alice in Wonderland Coffee Cup

Do you ever get "creator's block"?  And how do you get past it, if you do?
I read. Since starting Zinnia Pea I can't read a classic book without grabbing my notebook and noting down quotes I want to ink!

Where can we find you online? 
Shop Etsy (including international post):

Special: Christabel is offering a 10% discount to Two Cheeky Monkeys readers.  Please mention that you are a blog reader at check out to receive your discount.


Christabel is also kindly offering an amazing giveaway prize of a Jane Austen coffee mug (see above).  To be in the running to  win this fantastic prize please do one or all of the following:

1. Visit either of the Zinnia Pea stores and leave a comment with your favourite item.
2. Follow both Zinnia Pea and me on Twitter.
3. Become a follower of this blog and the Zinnia Pea blog (but only if you want to!)
4. Tweet, blog about or link to the giveaway on Facebook and leave a comment with a link to your Tweet/blog post/etc.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  This giveaway is open to my Australian readers only (sorry international peeps) and will run until 6pm, Thursday 26 May 2011 (Melbourne time).  A winner will be chosen via


  1. Great post Deb. I'm following everything :) I love Jane Austen and can't go past the Pride & Prejudice Flower teacup and saucer Beautiful. I love old fashioned teacups, still trying to find one I saw at Myer with "fancy another" text on the bottom :)

  2. I love everything but today my fave has to be
    The Lady of Shalott Teapot, I reckon Anne of Green Gables would have gone nuts for that!

  3. OMG! There is a set from The Secret garden - my all time favourite book (we have about 7 copies in the house!).

  4. you are already my tweet buddy Deb, but I am now tweeting with Zinnia Pea as well :0)

  5. And I have now tweeted about your Giveaway - yay!!!

  6. I really like the Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Hand Inked Teapot!

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

  7. I am now following you both on Twitter! KatyLMA

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

  8. I love the Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Hand Inked Teapot!

  9. Loving the ALice In Wonderland Teapot and also the Set of 2 Tea Cups and saucers.

  10. I follow both you and Zinnia Pea on Twitter @Candy3181

  11. Im already a follower of your blog.

  12. Tweet:!/Candy3181/status/71934107252297728

  13. I've always loved looking at this shop but just haven't taken the plunge and bought anything yet, but now might be a good time!!

    This is one of my favourite items!

  14. I already follow your blog Deb (as you know) and I will be following Chirstabel's blog as soon as I can sign into my dashboard (once blogger stops being stupid) - could be a while!!

  15. a great interview with Christabel! and made me laugh and smile too :)

  16. what a great interview! i have been a fan of you and zinnea pea for quite some time :)

    i think i am needing to own the jane austen travel mug and the oscar wilde teacup and saucer! i love everything!

  17. i am a follower of both blogs!

  18. i am not a twitter user, but i am a facebook fan of both of your wonderful pages - does that count?

  19. I love the vases ~ such a great idea.
    I follow you both on twitter and I retweeted just now.
    Great interview.


I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!