
Monday 11 April 2011

Hordes of Headbands

Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little when I say "hordes", but in between creating pieces for my Etsy and Madeit stores, I have been putting together an assortment of headbands to add as "present toppers" for the gifts we bring to the various birthday parties to which my girls are invited.  (Now that the school year is in full swing, the birthday invitations are coming in left, right and centre!)

This headband was made simply by pulling apart a fabric flower, re-layering it and then adding a cute pearl button.  Oh, and of course, lots of hot glue to attach the flower to the headband!

As I have a low tolerance of repetitive creating, every headband is different.  However, I am planning on making more headbands with the ruffle adornment which was made following Twirling Betty's easy-to-follow ruffle tutorial which I ADORED as soon as I read it!  I mean, it wouldn't be a normal headband-making session if the cheeky monkeys and I don't get some for ourselves, would it?  Especially as we just can't resist headbands in this household AND they are great for bad hair days!

The last headband pictured is still a work in progress (obviously).  I got all excited about making kanzashi fabric flowers only to find that putting the final flower together was harder than it looked given my dubious fabric choice.  Oops!

 I had fun matching different colours of felt to the gorgeous floral fabric I used for this headband.  Snipping all the notches in the felt was a major pain, however.

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