
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wordy Wednesday - Thank You

Some of you may know I've had a difficult week with lots of little things going wrong.  Let me hasten to add that we are all okay here in Two Cheeky Monkeys land, it's just that we've had a few minor mishaps (including Miss 5 contracting conjunctivitis) and I am finding that running a small business from home is a lot more tedious work than I ever envisaged.   So this funky Wordle word cloud is a "thank you", in various languages of the world, for everyone who has helped me out, supported me, prayed for me or encouraged me during my journey so far.


  1. I'm sorry you're having a tough week - sending hugs!! Love the word cloud. xo

  2. Hugs for you Deb! I'm finding myself in a similar situation. Must be something in the water?!

    Thanks for being a wonderful friend :)

  3. a lovely thank you post :) sending *hugs* xo

  4. {{hugs}} from me too! Sometimes life is just hard!


  5. Awww...I know it must be hard with kids and a business. I hope things only get better. Praying for you :-)

  6. Not seen one of those before - fun!
    Love & prayers x


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