
Monday 25 October 2010

Smells and Memories

Today's post is a light-hearted bit of fun as I continue to revel in the (sometimes) warmer  and sunnier weather that has descended on Melbourne.  With the warmer weather comes some of my favourite smells, such as the smell of deliciously ripe mangoes.  The smell of mangoes always reminds me of warm summer weather and Singapore, the land of my birth (one of my aunts owned a house with a beautiful mango tree in the front garden).

Another smell I love is the scent of vanilla.  Its sweet smell reminds me of home-baked cakes and biscuits, ice cream (always consumed in large quantities in the summer time!) and summer outings wearing vanilla-scented body products.
So what are your favourite smells and why?  Do they remind you of a favourite holiday or simply of your favourite person or time of the year?  Feel free to share with the rest of us!


  1. Vanilla has to be my favorite natural scent. It does remind me of potato candy that my Dad would make a s a special treat whewn we were little kids.

    Sweet memories.

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. You know your a lady after my own heart. I adore summer for mangoes and love vanilla as a scent. Citrus is also one of my favourite scents especially tangerine.

  3. Oh gosh - so many scents, so many memories!

    Mangos for long road trips to QLD; the sandy, salty beach smell for long summers spent on Victoria's Great Ocean Road and then two slightly weird ones - paint and sawn wood remind me of hanging out with my Dad at various building sites (yes, he is a builder!); and the combination of diesel fuel in really crisp cold air reminds me of many family holidays in the snow (so much fun!).

  4. The ocean, the bush after rain, roast lamb cooking in the oven, gardenia, oranges and of course mangoes and vanilla! Why? Not sure exactly, they just smell great and taste and look great too!


I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!