
Tuesday 14 September 2010

Tips and Tricks of the Trade - Sewing Knots and Tails

This is the second post in my "tips and tricks" series and I have a fantastic (I think) trick to show you!  Actually, this is not my special trick, it is one I found when I stumbled on Bella Dia's great blog about a year ago.
As many of you know, I like to try my hand at sewing every now and then.  However, I have always wondered how to hide those pesky "tails" of thread you get when you knot your thread at the beginning and end of your sewing.
So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find THIS FANTASTIC TUTORIAL showing not only how to hide your knots when you tie off your sewing, but how to start your hand sewing or embroidery without having to tie a knot!
I have used this great trick for almost all of my sewing projects, including the "I spy" bags pictured above.  Being able to hide those tails of thread really does make a difference to the "look" of a finished project!  So tell me, have you been using this trick (or a variation of it) in your sewing projects?  Or will this trick make you feel a little more confident about trying out that sewing project you have been a bit too nervous to attempt?

1 comment:

  1. I don't sew much, but my mum did teach me that way of hiding the thread and I've always used it! I actually do a sort of backwards version to start off, too!


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