
Friday 6 August 2010

Feature Friday and Giveaway - pfd Original Artworks

My featured artist this week is Phyllis of pfd Original Artworks, a beautiful store full of sweet art works.  I first "met" Phyllis on one of the Etsy sellers' forums but have gotten to know her better through our involvement in the Etsy CAST team.  So let's find out a little about Phyllis and her store...

Tell us a bit about yourself.
In my dreams I am a full time artist but in reality I work in Human Resources; however, I do love my job and the people I work with. But being a full time painter would be awesome! Or maybe a full time writer – I may even prefer that.

image painted mama and baby sheep notecard

Describe yourself in 5 words.
 Creative… I got stuck after creative so this is what my husband says: artsy, insightful, workaholic, proud grandma.

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
Years ago I started working for a florist. Then a friend and I started doing silk & dry flower home parties, craft shows and weddings. Somewhere along the line we got burnt out and I began working a “regular” job. My creativity dwindled quickly. After a decade or so I was quite stressed by a job I was working and took up beading as my stress reliever. Loved it but worried that my pieces may break if I sold them and I could not deal with that. We moved to Minnesota and I watched all those TV home decorating shows. They always painted big focal point pictures. I figured if they could do that, I could. So I took some watercolor classes (about 3 years ago) and started painting. Never did that big focal point picture but love to paint! My cards started as gifts to my family for Mothers’ Day and it went from there.

image painted purple flowers note cards

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I primarily do watercolor paintings but I also dabble with ink. I love how the watercolor paints flow and I love drawing little pictures so the ink drawings are fun for me.
My other passion is writing. At some point I hope to combine the two. Time is my enemy… the challenges of life do not give me much free time. [Edit: Let me add that Phyllis writes some great and encouraging blog posts for the CAST team blog!]

When and how did you start selling online?
I started selling my cards to independent boutiques and galleries. One suggested Etsy and I looked it up online and decided to give it a try.

Describe your store in 5 words
I like to think of it as peaceful, relaxing, charming, original and practical!

Who or what are the influences behind your creations?
No doubt about it… God and His beautiful nature! I am constantly awestruck by the wonders of His creation!

image snowman christmas card

Where can we find you online?
Only on Etsy… Currently, I have no time for expanding my online presence. And I write for the CAST Team blog that is posted every Monday.

[Edit: this giveaway is now closed!  Thank you to all of the entrants.]
Giveaway alert: Phyllis is kindly offering a giveaway for a $10 voucher for her store.

To enter:
Mandatory - Tell me what you would choose from Phyllis' store if you were the winner of the giveaway.

Extra entries:
1. Heart pfd original artworks on Etsy.
2. Become a public fan of my blog.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry!!!  The giveaway is open worldwide and will run until Thursday 12 August 2010.  The winner will be chosen by


  1. It is so great to get to know Phyllis a little better! I love her shop - esp the tall pine trees & the fern leaf note cards!

  2. I love Phyllis' work! My faves (I think) are the Spirit of Christmas notecards.

  3. And I hearted pfd a looong time ago. :)


    this would have to be my favourite!

  5. Hi, My fav thingy there is Note cards, set of two - Pine Trees

    Contact me dear :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a lovely day :)

  6. What a great giveaway :) I would like to participate in it.
    Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect.

    Contact me dear :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day ♥ :)

  7. I love the "Bitsey the Sheep" print and cards! Both my mom and Grandma have a thing for cute sheep.

  8. Hearted the shop on Etsy!

  9. Following the blog via GFC.

  10. Christina - - I would choose the Tree With Roots notecards ($5) and the Thank You set of 2 notecards, Window Frost Blue ($5).

  11. peripatetic33
    so many unique and special ones i like Thank you card, set of two - Photo of Window Frost- blue

  12. My favorite is her avatar as I have told her before in a convo. I did not see that listing in her shop. My second favorite is


  13. Following your blog for a chance to win


  14. so glad I found this!! I love pfd!! And, phyllis is my lovely sister :D

    I follow your blog Cheeky

  15. I have hearted pfd's shop - I am a ? hearter!

  16. I would choose the gift pack of five notecards - trees -
    her work is so very, very lovely - a calm gentleness about it all :O) and her too. What a tremendous blessing she is; so thankful to know her in Him ~

  17. I would definitely get the pumpkins with falling leaves notecards. they are so beautiful. :)

    boswife @ gmail . com

  18. Just wanted to thank you all for your generous comments. I am looking forward to see who wins!

  19. I love Phyllis' art and have hearted many!! I love the new pumpkins also!


  20. I am already following your blog! ♥


  21. Finally decided which was my fave, the Note cards - Autumn leaves on a stem

    Atoxim at gmail dot com

  22. Hearted PDF

    Atoxim at gmail dot com

  23. Following this blog

    Atoxim at gmail dot com

  24. I love the mama and baby sheep notecards! I’d pick those ☺
    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  25. I follow your blog on GFC as Jenny Bolech!
    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  26. I hearted pdf Orignal Artworks on etsy as JennyBolech
    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  27. Nice feature! I love this from Phyllis shop

  28. Started following the blog as Healing Made Simple

  29. "Heart"ed PDF on Etsy as Healing Made Simple


I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!