
Wednesday 28 July 2010

I love making headbands!

Today I have a confession to make.  Yes, I know that many of you won't be surprised by my revelation.  But I think that it is time that I admit how much I LOVE making hair accessories, especially headbands!  I love making headbands so much that I have devoted today's entire post to my recent efforts, he he.

A rose cabochon and filigree headband created for Miss almost 5

Many of you will recognise the style of the first few headbands since they are similar to many I stock in my Etsy store.  When my girls saw me creating headbands for the store, they were so taken by them that they asked me if I would pleeeeaaassse make them one each too.

 Miss 3's rose cabochon and diamond filigree combination

Unsurprisingly, Miss almost 5 asked me to make her a headband with a red flower (her favourite colour) and a round filigree (she has a very strong sense of balance and shape matching).  Miss 3 chose a headband which was originally destined to be sold on Etsy, but she loves anything pink, so this headband went to her instead.

My headband with an oval filigree and a sweet vintage rose cabochon

Because I have a rather odd-shaped head (if I were to shave my head, you would probably find that it is not nice and round, but only semi-spherical with bumpy bits), I resisted the idea of making myself a headband for quite a while.  But, constantly seeing my girls wearing their headbands persuaded me to make one for myself.  I was unsure if it was a fashion faux pas for thirty-something mothers to dress like their pre-school aged children (LOL), so I made myself a headband with a smaller filigree and cabochon combination.  I like to think that this combination is a gorgeously subtle accent in my hair, although no one has commented on it when I wear it!

Fabric yo-yo's and buttons make for great headband embellishments

Of course I haven't just restricted myself to creating metal headbands, but have been slowly sewing some fun fabric and elastic headbands too.  If you read my post about my attempts at making fabric yo-yo's, you will know that I am enamoured of making these sweet little embellishments.  So, I just had to make a few more yo-yo's which I attached to hat elastic.  These were really quick to make, although I strongly recommend finding a way of keeping your child still while measuring her head to avoid much frustration when the final product doesn't fit properly!

This felt and button flower makes for a cute headband/fascinator for big and little girls!

My last headband (I promise this is the last one I am showing off!) was inspired by a felt flower tutorial on the eighteen twenty-five blog and is going to one of my nieces as part of her birthday present.  I used a combination of hand sewing and hot glue to put this cute flower together and opted for an elastic headband, although a metal or fabric covered headband would have been equally suitable bases for the flower.
If you made it all the way to the end of this post, congratulations and thank you for sticking with me!  For those of you who also love making headbands, I would love to hear about your creations or tips and techniques.  And if anyone would like to purchase any of my filigree and cab headbands in AUD, please drop me a line too, as I am wanting to know if there is enough interest to warrant listing headbands in my Madeit store.


  1. I love the flower ones Deb - I have the same problem with my girls, everytime I make something new they want to have it!! I guess it is cool that they want to wear the things I make though, it means they are not daggy and it is good advertising. And I sometimes wonder the same thing about a 30 something liking the same things as my girls but too bad, we should just wear what we like. I don't think we ever really grow up, we are all little girls at heart. Go for it Deb

  2. I love your headbands too, Deb - so yes I would list them in your madeit store!

  3. I love the flower headband, it's absolutely adorable!


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