
Friday 9 July 2010

Feature Friday - Joie de Tea

image joiedetea tea etsy
This week's featured artist is Verity of the cutely-named store Joie de Tea.  Verity is a fellow Melburnian and DUST member and has a whole range of deliciously tempting creations.  I have also discovered that she is a mad keen Lord of the Rings fan!  So let us find out a little about Joie de Tea.

Tell us a little about yourself.
I live in East Melbourne with my husband, baby boy and a senile poodle & moody cat. I'm mostly a full-time mum and part time tea blender. In the past I've done a variety of different things including working for the Federal Government, editing an academic journal, being a naturopath in a health food store and an in-home carer to quadriplegic clients.

Describe yourself in 5 words.
Tea obsessed.

image outback sunset tea mint lemon herbal tea Etsy joiedetea

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
I fell in love with herbal teas in my late teens and have been playing around with mixing them together ever since.

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I create tea blends - herbal, black, green and rooibos mixtures. My favorite materials are, obviously, herbs and spices - most of what I use is organic as well. I love trying to come up with really creative, unusual blends that you're not likely to find anywhere else.

image tea star anise basic black joiedetea

When and how did you start selling online?
I can't remember how I first came across Etsy - I think it must have been on a blog that I was reading - but it struck me then that it might be an opportunity for me to get some of my tea blends to market. I've been selling on Etsy since late July 2009, nearly a whole year! I've been thrilled with the response to my teas - people really seem to love them which is great. Tea is such a wonderful beverage, there is something for everyone!

Describe your store in 5 words.

image tea joiedetea relax calm de-stress spearmint lemon balm stevia

Where can we find you online?


  1. Thanks Deb :) It's great to find out more about a fellow DUSTer

  2. Thanks so much Deb, I really appreciate the opportunity to be featured on your lovely blog! Xo

  3. Verity is indeed a gem, and her tea creations really stretch the imagination

  4. wow..ima check out your shop.. i love tea!!


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