
Monday 5 July 2010

Facebook Stocktake Sale

vintage earring stud set leaf flower cabs by two cheeky monkeys sale image

As you all know, we are now into the new financial year (yes, there is a hint of panic in my voice as I have yet to fully organise all my paperwork for tax time).  So I am having a stocktake sale on Facebook.  I am selling off my creations which are not currently listed in any of my stores.

So if you are looking for a bargain and some exclusive and one of a kind items, visit my "Sale" photo album and grab yourself some bargains!  Thank you to those of you who have already visited my sale album - I really appreciate your support!

Details and sale items can be found on my Facebook fanpage.

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I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!