
Thursday 17 June 2010

Two Cheeky Monkeys is Now on Madeit!

Okay, so today I have a confession to make.  I know I often complain about the stress of being a mother, keeping up with the housework and taking the kids to their various activities all while trying to run and effectively promote my Etsy store.  But...I have been toying with the idea of opening a Madeit store so that I can sell my products in Australian dollars (and I know some of you have asked for that too).  And I finally took the plunge yesterday and opened up my store!

rochelle vintage dome rose ring two cheeky monkeys on madeit

So, for my Aussie blog followers who have been dying to purchase in their own currency, your chance has finally come!  I haven't got much listed instore as yet, but I am slowly adding listings.  I am not sure how much of an overlap I will have with my Etsy store.  Certainly the style of products will be the same, but obviously I cannot list the same one of a kind item simultaneously in both stores.  If you see an item in my Etsy store and would like to purchase it from my Madeit store, please contact me and I will list the item for you.


  1. Congrats on your new store - I hope its very successful! Love the earrings!

  2. Hope it goes well for you Deb. I was also really hesitant to open a second shop, but it's been fantastic and has had waaaay more sales than etsy over the same time period!


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