
Friday 25 June 2010

Feature Friday - New CreatioNZ

Now I know there is normally a lot of trans-Tasman rivalry between Australians and New Zealanders, but I wasn't about to let that stop me from featuring the amazing Jocelyn of New CreatioNZ!  Her store is full of beautiful photographs, paintings, ACEOs, stationery...the list just goes on!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I live in the beautiful, far away land of New Zealand, also known as 'the land of the long white cloud'. I moved here from South Africa 13 years ago with my husband and two children. We have since had another delightful surprise to complete our family of five. I work in the local Christian School that my children attend. It suits me perfectly as I go and come back with my children each day and have the holidays off with them. I work with children that have special needs. Though I would love to be a full time artist, that is not to be at the moment. I am just very grateful to be able to have a job that still gives me time with my kids.

Describe yourself in 5 words.
Easy going, artistic, procrastinator, quiet, Jesus lover. (I had to have help from my family with these).

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
I have been tinkering in all sorts of crafts since a young age but it is now that my children are past the age where it's all 'hands on' that I have really found my passion. My hat goes off to those of you who are in the midst of babies, nappies, sleepless nights and CREATING!

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I absolutely love to paint. I enjoy the spontaniety of contempory art and very seldom paint in a realistic style as I feel thats what my camera captures for me. Which brings me on to my second passion: photography. I love especially to go close up and capture the things that we often miss. We have such an amazing creation around us that leaves me awestruck. Needless to say, I photograph mainly nature themes. It doesn't stop there though. I love to try new things and am keen to give anything a go, so you are likely to find a few other random odds and ends in my shop too. The next on my list is flamework! But as I said earlier, I am a procrastinator, so who knows when that will be!

When and how did you start selling online?
I have had my shop open for just over a year now. Etsy was mentioned to me by my neice who lives in Australia. I had never sold online before so it was all new. Etsy is almost an unknown here in New Zealand so I am very grateful to all my customers who have trusted me and my packaging to get their purchases to them all over the world!

Describe your store in 5 words
Inspired...contemporary painting creative photography

Where can we find you online?  
Etsy shop


  1. I love Jocelyn's art - I am a collector of ACEO's and I have several of hers.


  2. Jocelyn - I am amazed at how wonderful your work is...everything is beautifully done. It was nice learning more about you.

    Deb so sweet of you to feature her! Great post.

  3. Great getting to know Jocelyn better! Lovely paintings & cards!

  4. Love the "Love in the Mist" photograph. Such beautiful play of colors!

    Joy from

  5. Jocelyn, You have lovely cards and paintings in your shop.

  6. Jocelyn! Loved learning more about you!! South Africa huh? So cool! Your work is beautiful and amazing!!! (((hugs)))

  7. I love seeing a photo of Jocelyn. Great feature!


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