
Friday 11 June 2010

Feature Friday - Crafty Crackpot

This week's featured artist is Caitlin of Crafty Crackpot, who creates sweet items for little ones.  She is a fellow Australian and member of DUST, the Australian Etsy street team.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I live in Canberra with all my family. There are 13 children in my family, so there is always lots going on. I suppose in a sense that is what my full time job is: helping out, teaching younger brothers and sisters and things like that. Craft is a little bit on the side, but I love every minute of it.

Describe yourself in 5 words.Bookworm, seamstress, florist (well still learning), fairly quiet, Christian

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
My Mum was always into knitting, and so I learnt to do that at an early age. After that it was like I couldn't get enough. I've tried most craft, but my passion is defintely the sewing machine!

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?I create children's clothing, quilts, and soft toys mostly. There are a few oddballs thrown here and there occasionally, but that that is what I mainly love to create.  I love to use 100% cotton (patchwork material), especially lovely floral ones.

When and how did you start selling online?
I started selling online in November 2008 - the reason I started was because I had made all these items and did'nt know what to do with all of them. A friend had an etsy store, and I thought I may as well try it out and see. It started out as a hobby, but I'm hoping to turn it into much more than that.!! Fingers crossed.

Describe your store in 5 words
Bright, cheerful, fun, playful, kids


  1. What beautiful, adorable items you create, Caitlin! Wow! Thank you for featuring this gifted seller :D

  2. Thanks Deb-it's always great to learn more about fellow dusters. Good luck with it all Caitlin-I'm sure your dream of success will come true xxx

  3. I love Caitlin's gorgeous and cute.

  4. Caitlin your sewing is great! It is nice hearing about you. Deb - wonderful feature!


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