
Friday 28 May 2010

Feature Friday - Julie's Silk 'N Style Shop

Today's feature Friday artist is the colourful Julie of Julie's Silk 'n Style Shop.  She creates a beautiful range of hand painted silk ties, scarves and other accessories.  Her work is so bright and cheery and comes in a diverse range of styles.  Let's find out more about the woman behind the creations!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I live in Derby (Midlands UK).  I am married to Pete and have four grown up children and a 17 year old foster son.  I don't have a day job, but I wouldn't exactly call myself a full time artist either.  A lot of my time is devoted to my work.  However, Rachel, my 23 year old daughter, is still at home and has lots of cancer-related health issues and Nic, my foster son, is still at home too, so I guess I would call myself part artist, part homemaker.   I also spend time helping out with church activities - music, young people, etc.  I like countryside walks with Pete, reading, cooking and, of course, anything crafty!

Describe yourself in five words.
Christian, wife, mother, artist, happy!

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
For as long as I can remember!  My mum always encouraged my sister and me to be creative.  I started silk painting when Rachel became ill as a sort of therapeutic thing to do together.

 What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I enjoy making jewellery and creating silk paintings.  I love really bright colours and bold designs.

When and how did you start selling online?
I started selling on eBay towards the end of 2005.  I made a steam train tie for my husband (he's an enthusiast!) and people said I should try selling one like it.  The business has grown steadily since then.  A friend recently introduced me to Etsy and I stocked my shop for the first time at the beginning of the year.

Describe your store in five words.
Bold bright pure silk accessories.

Where can we find you online?


  1. That orchid scarf is just stunning, beautiful work.

  2. Wonderful article and Julie's work is incredible!

  3. Lovely! So nice to know a bit more about you! Wow - you do a lot!! Incredible, and a testimony to Him :D My custom scarf by Julie is beautiful, cheerful, and speaks of Psalm 23 -
    I am so thankful to know you Julie - you have encouraged me a lot and are one of the brightest lights in my life :D
    you too Deb ;) thank you for featuring Julie!

  4. Lovely post on your blog about Julie and her beautiful silk scarves.

  5. Thank you Deb for doing this article and thank you so much everyone for the encouraging comments!

  6. That scarf is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing Julie's information!

  7. Beautiful feature !I enjoyed learning about Julie - not just talented artist but beautiful person as well .Thank you :)


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