
Friday 7 May 2010

Feature Friday - DELicious Designz/Get SPOONed

My featured artist for the week is the lovely and talented Del of DELicious Designz and Get SPOONed.  Del makes amazing resin and spoon jewellery and my sister and I are proud owners of some of Del's funky resin bangles.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am Adelle and I live in Albany, Western Australia, with my 2 girls and hubby, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, budgie,  hermit crabs....and now it seems cat and chicken as well (these are not ours but have dropped by our place recently).  I am a stay-at-home-mum (although I don't seem to stay at home that much) and I am a full-time crafter.  I frequent the markets where you can find me selling my creations and I also sell online.
My creative direction has changed due to an allergy I have been getting from the resin I work with.  So in the best interests of my health, I have stopped creating bangles and rings and have been focussing more on my spoon jewellery.  I have now opened up my second etsy store GetSPOONed .

Describe yourself in 5 words.
I am really quite awesome!!!!  (Well someone has to think so, might as well be me).  Edit: He he he, love your confidence Del!

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
I have always been a crafty kind of girl.  My Mum and Gran did markets when I was growing up, selling knitted jumpers, beanies, and knitted barbie clothes!!!  My girls are now using some of those outfits that I handed on to them for their dolls.

I learnt to knit and crochet at a young age and always liked to try new crafts.  I didn't do much for a few years but then, after having children and feeling a need to do something more than just be Mum, I got into beading.  I made lots of earrings and necklaces, more than one girl needed, but thought that if I wanted to sell my jewellery it had to be really different to get noticed.  So I began experimenting, I discovered resin and the rest is history.

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
Favourite materials!!!  I love using vintage components, cutlery, resin.

When and how did you start selling online?
I was given the courage to take my spoon pendants to market by my good friend Samara (Maddabling).  We shared a table and it was lots of fun.  But afterwards I had lots of stock left and Samara suggested opening an etsy store.  So really, I owe it all to her, otherwise I probably would not have had the courage to take my creations to the world.

Describe your store in 5 words.
Fun, Unique, Bold, Quirky, Me

Where can we find you online?


  1. lovely stuff :)

  2. what a lovely feature ! thank you too Del for being you and for returning the creative encouragement x o x

  3. Great feature, love the Spoon Bangles!

  4. Great feature, nice to find out more about Del, she is so cute isnt she!;)

    Awesome interview.


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