
Thursday 29 April 2010

Sweet Kokeshi is Completed!

You may remember some weeks ago that I blogged about a cute kokeshi doll pattern by Melly and Me which I was planning on sewing for Operation Christmas Child (see this post).  I was really excited to give this pattern a go as it is so pretty and seemed quite straightforward.

I decided that this would be a great portable craft to bring along on my travels around the Northern Territory and, since we didn't do much sightseeing at night because of the kids, I managed to complete kokeshi's hair, face and most of her kimono while we were on holiday.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I am not the most confident of embroiderers and did find it a little hard going with the more delicate details on the kokeshi.  Her mouth took me two attempts to get right, and it still looks a little crooked to me.  Also, as you can see, I cheated for the flowers and did them in lazy daisy stitch rather than back stitching 10 small flowers and one large one (yes, I am a coward, ha ha).
Another deviation from the pattern was that I used a different colour scheme, opting to use a pink and blue combination rather than a straight red.  Not that I don't love red or the original design, but I just can't help myself when it comes to mixing and matching colours!

Of course, my little girls have asked me if I would PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make them a kokeshi each since she is so beautiful.  I told them maybe, because right now, I don't know if I can face any more hand sewing!  If I do make more of these pretty dolls, I will probably only do so in VERY GOOD light - I nearly went cross-eyed sewing her in very bad hotel lighting.  I would also read the instructions next time...something which I failed to do this time round, resulting in  a few problems and the need for unpicking.  I hope my post has inspired you to try something new or different!


  1. She is so cute Deb-well done :)

  2. Awww...She's totally precious, and I'm sure that even with your eyes momentarily crossed :-) you can see that too.

  3. Oh sew sweet, you are so patient hand stitching, great job!

  4. Hey Deb, that's a really beautiful kokeshi!

    BTW, I didn't realise how much we have in common! Was born and raised in Singapore, lived in melbourne for about 10 years, now the hubs and I are in Europe for the moment.

    What a nice surprise since I came here from the comment you left on my blog.

  5. Deb, the dolly is so cute. I'm not surprised that your little monkies want one too.
    What Iwish you would do, is take a break, get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids, eat lots of good protein (milk, eggs, turkey, tofu)take some extra protein to build up your cells. Drink echinacea tea (for immune system) unwind for a while (2 weeks) and get your strength back.
    Just a little advice from Grammy (Rita)


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