
Friday 23 April 2010

Feature Friday - Epheriell

This week's feature Friday looks into the life of the lovely Jess and her amazing jewellery store, Epheriell.  Jess is also a member of DUST and, as we will find out, a very busy woman with her fingers in many pies!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
This year my husband Nick and I decided to spend the year travelling around Australia! We bought an empty Ford Transit van and have converted it into a campervan - so I'm running Epheriell on the road this year. It's my dream to make it work so that I can make Epheriell my full-time business - but I know this will take time and a lot of effort.

Describe yourself in 5 words.
Stubborn, slightly-obsessive, loyal, silly, and creative.

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
I spent many years studying, and afterwards I worked in the Education field. In 2008 my then-partner (now husband) and I went to Fiji for a holiday. We met a lovely family there, and one of them gave me a novel when they left. I can't remember what it was called, but it was about the life of a woman who owned a yarn store. It inspired me to try knitting again... and basically it all snowballed from there! I started Epheriell in late 2008.

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
Sterling silver, hands down! I make a range of artisan jewellery - but my focus is on a range of simple designs featuring 100% recycled sterling silver. I'm also just introducing a range of beautiful gemstone briolette jewellery using recycled sterling silver.

When and how did you start selling online?
I joined Etsy in October 2008, and started listing a few little earrings and such. I couldn't believe it when I actually sold something!!! When I look back now on those early designs and photos, I can see just how far I have come as a jewellery designer.

Describe your store in 5 words.
Contemporary, eco-friendly, urban, feminine, stylish.

Where can we find you online? 


  1. I love the idea of taking your business on the road - fantastic.

  2. Nice to get to know you. Love the jewellery - simple and stylish!

  3. I love Jess's jewellery - I have her spiral earrings in now. She is an inspiration to us all

  4. Yay Deb, thanks so much for the feature!! :D

  5. Jess has some great jewellery! I must be a little bit of a voyeur, because I love reading about other people and what they do!


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