
Tuesday 16 March 2010

Fabric Cuffs - Kid's Style

In December last year I won the funky Coco fabric cuff from Leanne of Folk and have enjoyed wearing it ever since.  My girls were pretty excited about the win too since they consider my jewellery, shoes and hair accessories as fair game for them to borrow.  And they "borrow" the Coco cuff quite frequently for dress ups too!

So when I suggested to them that we spend Friday crafting, I wasn't surprised that they asked to make fabric bracelets.  Now let me stress that when my kids ask to make anything which involves sewing, I am the one who ends up doing the crafting while they design the project for me to make, ha ha.

I let the budding designers rifle through my stash of fabric, buttons and trims and this is what we ended up creating:


 The top bracelet/cuff is Miss 2's design (pink and blue are her favourite colours) and the bottom cuff is miss 4's (she has a fondness for lace and ruffles).
Unlike the gorgeous cuffs Leanne makes, the girls asked for their cuffs to be fitted with a velcro fastener because buttons were deemed to be too hard to get on and off.

Miss 2 loves her cuff so much she even wore it to church on Sunday, hee hee.  Here are the bracelets in action (please excuse the photos, it's hard to get two small children to hold still):


They may not be as elaborate as Leanne's beautiful creations, but the girls are happy with their cuffs and I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.


  1. These are delightful! And even more precious because the girls designed them themselves. You're promoting creativity which will really pay off later in life :)

  2. What an adorable idea! It's lovely when the children get involved.

  3. How wonderful you encourage the girls to be creative. I think it adds tremendously to their life. My Mom did that with me, too, and I so thankful!

  4. So sweet. I had the same problem with little designers telling me what they would like sewn together, you wait they'll be buzzing on the sewing machine themselves in no time

  5. Beautiful! I'll have to try this with my Miss 4

  6. Looks like it was a great day for kids & mom! The cuffs are darling.

  7. Very cute Deb! and smart idea with the velcro.

  8. Oooh! They're beautiful - please give them many congratulations on their designing skills!

  9. What a fun idea! I may try this with the grandkids =)


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