
Monday 29 March 2010

Circle of Friends Award

I recently received a "The Circle of Friends Award" from my fellow Aussie and jeweller, Jules, of Black Heart Jewellery.  I "met" Jules through my participation in DUST, an Australian Etsy team.  The necklace below is my favourite piece in her store!

Now, for the ‘rules’ for accepting this award:

Create the circle by sharing 5 things I love to do!
Here are 5 random things I love to do:
1. I love to go op shopping (thrift shopping) and hunt for crockery, vintage books, lace, doilies and fabric to upcycle.
2. I love to play the computer games that come with my computer.  Yes, I know, I'm very sad, ha ha ha.
3. I love to sit in my garden and read or make jewellery while my children run around and work off their energy.
4. I love to bake.  Simple cakes, muffins and biscuits are what I make most often as my girls love these treats and can "help" me out (they are pretty good with cookie cutters thanks to their playdough exploits).
5. I love to sing!  I often sing along to the radio or whichever CD is playing and, rather embarrassingly, I sometimes sing conversations to people (mostly my children, LOL).  I also love to sing at church, it's like being in a huge choir (I miss being in a choir). 

Pass the award on to 5 bloggers whom I would love to learn more about!
Julie from julieblanchette

Autumn from The Paper Couturiere 

Shannon from Baruch's Lullaby

Sasha from Sasha Sews


  1. Congrats on the award :) I love the little girl with the teddy bear by Julie Blanchette ... sooo cute!!

  2. Wonderful post, Deb.I love to be outside, too, and sing! The circle of friendship is a great idea.

  3. Those little tidbits always fascinate me! Nice to know a bit more about you.

  4. well done on the award!! fun post - we have lots of things in common!

  5. Thanks for accepting the award. I've enjoyed reading your post. It's always nice getting to know a little more about my online friends.

  6. Nice post! I like singing and cooking too!


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